Why join the southerndesigner.com Client's Corner?
Southerndesigner.com offers you many convenient features such as plan reversal, rear and side elevation views, plan comparison, similar plan views, detailed descriptions of each plan, easy email contact if you have a question and so much more.
By becoming a member of the Client's Corner you are able to take advantage of additional features and offers from southerndesigner.com. As a registered user of this site you will be able to create your personalized house plan book! This feature allows you to search the site and add only the plans you really like to your account by clicking on the "My Plan Book" link. Your selections will be saved in your account as long as you continue to visit the site. Once you have found the plans you like you can print your personalized plan book featuring a special title page with your name, all of the plans in your account, an order form and more!
When you register you also have the option of joining our mailing list and receiving our free house plan catalog. Our monthly newsletter is packed full of useful information and special promotions. The newsletter also introduces new plans, new features added to our site and more.
With all of this in mind isn't it time to join us!